Sunday, August 16, 2009

Country Farmhouse Breakfast

Sunday is big breakfast day, and I ain't talkin' fruit, granola and yogurt ~ I'm talkin' bacon & eggs!

Fluffy scrambled farm fresh eggs, applewood-smoked bacon, sliced homegrown tomatoes and freshly shredded baby yukon gold hash browns.

Toasted homemade bread w/butter and homemade blackberry jam


Anita said...

Those hash browns look perfect! Yum-o-lishus! I love breakfast and potatoes.

Anonymous said...


After you got through with the appetizers, what did you really have for breakfast. Those are just "starters"!


Bill said...

Oh my Gawd .. I could go for that plate any meal of the day !! Sunday breakfast plate?


Anonymous said...

OK John, e-mail me with instructions on making hash browns like dat. Mine never come out lookin like yours.
Keep the posts coming. It's the only way I pick up weight. grin


Joy Tilton said...

We've had the kids here the past two weeks so I've been in the kitchen! Lots of big breakfasts just like this, we wake up hungry!My son in law is Texan so there were breakfast tacos, migas and huevo rancheros too!

Chez said...

wtg mzjoy ~ always good to hear somebody actually gettin' in the kitchen and doing some real cookin' ~ good on ya!

Chez said...

kenny, kenny, kenny ... i cain't be givin' away ALL my secrets, now can i? ok, first you make a roux....

Anonymous said...

Now John, I do know what a roux is. You roux, roux, roux your boat, gently down........never mind. Keep the pics up my friend.