Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Peter Piper Picked A Pecka...

Here's the roasted red peppers you saw in the previous post below ~ love me some country-style garden fresh green beans wit bacon, onions and roasted red peppers.

Roasted red pepper cheese spread.

This is all the pepper scraps (red and green) along with some onions & garlic, sauteed wit some bacon - for to go into a meatloaf dat I got in the oven right now. You din't think I was gonna throw all dem scraps away, didja??


Rawtalent said...

Nope, I never did think you would throw them pepper scraps

Chez said...

waste not ~ want not

Chet said...

Splain how you is gonna get dem peppers into that meat loaf, if it's already in da oven, huh? You cook enough I know your bound to have plenty of leftovers - if I only lived closer.