This is where I used to go to get me a bottle of sody pop when I was a kid ~ Harley Davis' Drug Store, in Havensville, Kansas. This was one of the few places where I could get a bottle of 3-V Cola and a Cherry Mash candy bar for a quarter. There used to be a couple of old wooden benches out front, where I could sit in the shade & drink my 3-V and eat my candy bar. Ol' Harley had a lil' room upstairs over the drug store, and his office was in the back ... so if he wasn't in the store & you needed something, you just helped yerself and left the money in a cigar box on the counter. The honor system was alive & well in those days.
There was a lil' country grocery store (Fordham's Market) right next to Harley's ... my Mom's cafe was just down the street, and the post office where my Dad worked was across the street. Below are a couple closeup pics of Harley's front door & window ~ all pics taken by me, circa 1982 ... Harley had long since passed away, and the drug store closed and boarded up for 20-25 years.

Norman Blake & Tony Rice
"I'm Coming Back But I Don't Know When"
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