Chinese Scallion Pancakes
I've been making these for years and usually call them Chinese pizzas. I
think they are referred to as pancakes in most restaurants though. lol What
ever t...
5 years ago
Awesome shot, Chez.
i can't take credit for the shot ~ but i know where the spot it, been by it many times - up in wabaunsee county between the lil' towns of alma and wamego, near lake wabaunsee. lots of that limestone in the area - used to make fences like that years ago. also many of the old buildings in towns in that area made of that native limestone. can you imagine how much work it would have been to build just ONE mile of that kinda fence?
A whole lot of work, true dat. But worth it.
Contrary to what many people think, Kansas is an extraordinarily beautiful state. As you have alluded in the past, the Flint Hill area is such a beautiful place to visit, and if you are so lucky, to live!
I love those limestone fences of northern Kansas Chez....really beautiful country up there. You are a lucky man. :)
ron, i got an idea ... you love kansas (as i do) and i love louisiana (as you do) ... so how 'bout we meet somewhere in the middle, like mebbe at cowgirl's place? how 'bout it cowgirl ... can me & ol' unyawn come live on yer ranch? huhhhhhh???
Actually, while my heart is still in Kansas, I now live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. However, we can still meet at cowgirl's place and discuss the finer points of living in Kansas, after we finished eating a meal that you prepare.
Sounds like a really good plan to me.
When can we plan on doing it?
well hells bells podnah, i'm sorry ~ i thought you was another friend of mine name ron, dat goes by the nickname of unyawn ~ he lives in n'awlins. i'd still be glad to stir up some vittles for us, but dat cowgirl's a pretty dang good cook herself - i don't 'spect she'd let us go hongry, no.
Hey, whether it's cowgirl or you cooking, as long as I answer the bell, when everything is ready, that is the important thing!
I have answered many of those bells in my lifetime -- too many, really!
Ron "Len" (in the future to avoid confusion).
Great! I'll fatten a pig. :) lol
well speak of the devil! cowgirl, you throwed an ahnvee on me fer some homemade salsa the other day ... and i couldn't shake it, so i just hauled off and put up 4 quarts of fresh homemade salsa. thanks for the inspiration. i'll blog it tomorrow.
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