Well, I was looking thru some old pics last night and found this old pic of my hometown ~ lookin' north up Main street at the crest of the hill of the main intersection downtown. The building on the far right is Tessendorf's Mortuary/Furniture Store, and the building on the corner across the street (with the *Drugs* advertisement on the wall) is Joe Wood's Drug Store. The bank and the post office are on the two corners across the street (not visible in this pic) ~ I'm not sure of the date when this pic was taken, but note that the streets are not yet paved. I'm going to do some research today & try to determine the approximate date. I used to buy my Superman comic books at that drugstore (still have some of them) ... and I took my first date there for a fountain sody pop we called cherry phosphates. Oh let not time deceive you ... you cannot conquer time.
(research has dated this pic to be circa early 1920's)
Etta James ~ A Sunday Kind Of Love
Neat! I was looking at more recent pics here
and see the drugstore is still there, but I can't tell what the business is, the sign is too small.
thanks for the link. din't you tell me once, that you were related to russell perrussel? i knew him. i haven't been back up to onaga in many years, other than slip in occasionally to visit the cemetery. i think i'll drive up there this spring and spend the day ... take a bunch of pictures. yeh, i'm gonna do that.
I'm not related to anyone in Onaga as far as I know, but I did go to school in Wamego and we played Onaga in sports and such. That's why I'm kind of familiar with Onaga.
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